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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Great Garden Despite the Grinch!

You have got to be kidding me! Tenants, neighbors and general passer-bys have complimented me on how great, the sea grass planters around the parking lot, the planters on ground floor retaining wall and the flowers in the rock garden and along the front wall are looking. Superstorm Sandy gave me a reason to dig it all up and start over fresh.
So this is my little rock garden along the front wall. It has taken a few beatings from recent storms, but I have faith that from these humble beginnings lots of flowers will greet every tenant and passerby and give all a reason to smile. (And yes the pots are crooked, after the torrential rain, I tipped the water out, but they're just too heavy for me to straighten back up. Sigh.)
It has been a real workout, but so satisfying, however the six hours I spent scraping the front lawn, spreading new topsoil, and then reseeding it all did cost me a nasty case of heat stroke! Yeah, I had to Google the symptoms, couldn’t understand why I was burning up and ready to pass out. A gallon of fluids and a guilt-free day on the sofa was the only cure.
The owner of the building next door was doing some minor landscaping and he offered me two rose bushes. He not only dug them out, carried them over, but he planted them for me. Wow!
I treated him to a container of my homemade Hot Pepper Relish (follow the link for the recipe). Made us both happy.
However, I digress, the Grinch showed up. Again.
Planters along the ground floor retaining wall filled with yellow and orange Marigolds, and all are blooming and starting to fill out. However, the poor flowers outside the laundry room suddenly shriveled up.
Guess they couldn’t hold their Dollar Store lavender/lilac scented laundry detergent.
Earlier someone complained endlessly about the *itch who left the garden hose strewn across the front lawn and couldn’t roll it up.
Then the sprayer nozzle, an old-style one, made of steel, practically an antique, had its handle snapped off like it was a turkey wishbone.
I was told that someone had ‘stepped’ on the nozzle.
So to the Grinches of the world, I repeat:
I can always buy new plants and tools, however, you cannot buy yourselves a decent heart and enjoy the gifts that life brings us everyday day!
What a sad life you must have.

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