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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Liar Liar, Pants on Fire!

We all met this person back in Grammar School, followed by multiple incarnations in our neighborhoods, workplaces, and sadly, maybe our extended families.

They are the first to cry, “Unfair!” then go running to the teacher, mommy, the boss, then from desk to desk complaining, plus burning up the phones with their convoluted tales of woe.

Aargh! The Endless Drama

They are always the misunderstood victim, the world revolves around their imaginative persecution dramas, and just how hard their lives are: Oh, the tears.

The odd thing is, there never seems to be a resolution to any of their imaginary dramas, they just invent the next one, and the next one, ad naseum.

They burn through friends, their alliances turn on each other, and if you are unfortunate enough to work with them, coworkers rapidly turnover.

Confront Them or Ignore Them?

They are bullies.

I try to follow the advice from Proverbs 29:9. “If a wise man contend with a stubborn fool, he may rant and rave, but either way there is no peace and quiet.”

However, everyone has their limits.

I did capture her on my cell phone video as she went down the stairs with her dog, then turned a quick right and led her dog straight into the rock garden, both of them trampled the plants underfoot and left a deposit of unwanted “fertilizer.”

I do apologize as the video is so jumpy, but understandably, I was ticked off.

This garden grew the gigantic 8’ tall sunflowers that made our building famous! And here she is, the infamous Garden Grinch caught in the act.

So without further ado, here is the video, including a still shot of her glaring back up at me before she ducked back behind the wall. Clearly she is reflected in the puddles as she brazenly stood. Later she left several open bags of “fertilizer” for me out of range of the security cameras. Awwwh, thanks!

P.S.: My apologies, the video simply will not display correctly, tried several versions/software. Dratz.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Police at 1:15 am

Yeah, I have insomnia, but on those rare nights when I am ACTUALLY asleep, I just love dumb problems.

Tenant #1 calls, battle with downstairs neighbor, Tenant #2.

Something about them making too much noise when they came home, followed by a broom loudly banging on the ceiling (their floor).

He said/She said

Both tenants have their merits, but it was #@$# 1:00 in the morning!

Tenants #1 knocked on my door, they are upset.

Tenant #2 was ringing my phone, hanging up, then ringing again.

The Police knocked on my door.

At 1:15 in the morning I had lots of company.

But as the police are standing in my living room, one of the officers was casually scanning my home.

Oh Crap! Forget vanity.
  • I was in old sweats and a T-shirt.
  • Dishes were cleaned, but as I had cooked up a storm earlier, they were piled periously high in the drainer.
  • I had also done 6 loads of laundry, all of it had been neatly folded and most of it was put away; HOWEVER, as I had been switching around the summer/winter and donate items, there were piles of clothes on every flat surface: the sofa, chairs and cabinetry.
Ouch for my vanity.

But in my head, I was recalling an old song by Paul Simon: "One Man's Ceiling is Aother Man's Floor" and that helped maintain my sanity.

Following are a few of the lyrics, click on the link for the song. It’s cute, it’s reality and it helped me through a no-win evening. Sigh.

There's been some hard feelings here

About some words that were said

Been some hard feelings here and what is more

It's just apartment house rules so all you 'partment fools

Remember one man's ceiling is another man's floor

One man's ceiling is another man's floor

There's been some strange goin's on

And some folks have come and gone

Like the elevator man don't work no more

Remember one man's ceiling is another man's floor, goddamn

One man's ceiling is another man's floor

lyrics courtesy of