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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

So You Want My Job!

First the Snow

As if we have not seen enough from Winter Storm Hercules and Juno, send us a few more inches of snow.

Thank you Mother Nature. Thank you Weather Channel that called it wrong.

So I called people, mustered the troops, got a few shovelers out there, not a problem. BUT, the fellow walking the salt spreader around the parking lot, left the spreader BEHIND Eeyore’s car (remember the sad donkey from “Winnie the Pooh”). Now Eeyore had to walk PAST the darn thing, but didn’t notice it.

But then he backed over it and dragged it about 30 feet down the parking lot.

Really? Ya heard the noise, thought something was wrong with your car, but kept driving anyway?! Aaargh!

Next the Laundry

I have explained, demonstrated, requested, reminded and put notes on every single washer and dryer, just what constitutes a full load: and DO NOT PACK the machines! We own the laundry machines, it is our concession: Lots of repair bills lately, all profits lost.

So Dude is upstairs swearing to me that he was careful, did not overfill, but the dryer won’t work. We gave him his money back, and then I followed him downstairs toting my own laundry basket.

Obviously in his universe, a triple load of towels and delicates (ya can’t sort?) packed into a dryer, constitutes a reasonable load. I pointed to my basket of laundry and stated, “That basket is two (2) loads of laundry!”

Dude complained, thought I was unreasonable. He "can't AFFORD the cost of laundry if he breaks them into smaller loads." We need to buy bigger and better washers.

These are top loaders, not commercial sized front loaders at the laundrymat. Which part of my conversations have you not understood? I did explain to him, that given the amount of tenants, cost of machines, that the profit margin will not justify such a purchase: He should look up ROI (Return On Investment).

He pouted. He called the Business Manager (our boss), and complained that we should buy better machines.

A second tenant overhead all of this, and she texted me her condolences for his rudeness. Awwwh.

I threw my laundry into the locked supply closet; clearly my wash will have to wait.

Which Part of NO Don’t You Understand?

All day, he kept drying his clothes in the sole working dryer. AGAIN he over packed several loads.

Next Contractors

They came to fix the plumbing, but because their customer service skills are abysmal I had to babysit them in the tenant’s apartment. 5 1/2 hours!

While they were taking apart the shower/tub faucets, I noticed the really nice, thick towels that they threw on the floor: Many hours on the floor, with their gritty boots tromping over them.

The repair did not go well. Water was shut for the ENTIRE complex for several hours. I received LOTS of calls and text messages asking, “When was the water coming back?”

Finally, it was almost fixed. They turned the water back on. It leaked, like Niagara Falls.

Excuse the ever-running video, new laptop, new software, I'll get it right another day. Sigh.

Chaos ensued. Towels are now soaking wet on floor, but as I shook them out, I noticed dish towels that looked ‘just like mine.’

Me to Worker: “THESE are my dish towels and are those my bath towels?! Where did you get them?!”

Worker, laughing: “And I thank you for them.” Then blamed his helper.

It seems the Helper went into the Laundry Supply closet, and instead of grabbing the big, drop cloths folded on the shelves, the idiot GRABBED MY BATH TOWELS and DISH TOWELS from my laundry baskets in the back! AAAARRRGH! So glad my silk blouses weren’t on top.

May I get some sympathy?

At 3:20 PM, the guys were finally winding down; I asked the tenant if she still needed me, as her husband was now home, just in case the contractor got out of line, again.

It has been a very cold day; I did not have lunch or coffee and was out of smokes. I have to go back tomorrow and shampoo her carpets, as nasty, wet construction boots have been tracked across her rugs for six (6) hours.

Home at Last. Ha!

Before I came upstairs, I checked the mail, and Yippee! A check for my freelance work was in! Ran to the bank, did errands, came home, put on the coffee and declared that, “I was in for the night!”

Wrong. A call came in about a busted faucet…It’s been a long day.

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