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Friday, March 22, 2013

Prospective Tenants: “The Good, the Bad
and the Ugly”

Okay, these are just the Bad and the Ugly.

It is so much harder than you think to find a good tenant and build a nice community. However, prospective tenants do need to present themselves, less formally than say a job interview, but convince me that I want you living next door to me.

The Bad

Gotta admit, some applicants just look like fascinating train wrecks as they knock on my door.

  • You are rude to me. Really, ya wanna rethink that ‘tude?
  • You have come with your extended family, and your girlfriend is pregnant. I suspect your extended family may come to visit, indefinitely.
  • You look like you just rolled out of bed and dressed from the laundry hamper.
  • You work off the books but can’t prove income. Ya don’t see my problem with this.
  • You smell like pot. Smoking a doobie before knocking on my door is not the smartest choice that you made today.
  • You are recommended by a difficult tenant. (see my post on Social Pages)
  • Repeatedly, a tenant’s granddaughter, with six (yes, 6) children has asked to move in, 'just until she finds something bigger.' These are ONE-bedroom units, two people only!
    Their solution: Three of the kids will stay with Grandpa downstairs, the three others will live with her.
    I don’t know about this new math, but I think the town’s housing board will calculate that fine real quick.

    BTW, Grandpa asked us, again, just a few hours ago, this time only one child would live with him.
    Me (Back to the math): "That would leave several children living with your daughter in a one-bedroom unit, and that is illegal."
    Grandpa (the tenant): “How will they (the authorities) know?”
    Me: There is a school system and several tenants who do not want a passel of children running underfoot.
The Ugly

A tenant from the building NEXT door was found showing our empty units to his buddies as prospective tenants for us. He even asked us for blank applications (we refused). He boldly walked into an unit, while men were working, and acted as our agent. The man had brass. His landlord probably danced when he moved out.

And this one Pee’d

A tenant, who I call Eeyore (think Winnie the Pooh), brought an acquaintance to look at a unit. The man was disheveled, wore ill-fitting and out-dated clothes and told a very convoluted story about leaving his wife, a senior residence, then requested rental assistance.

He repeatedly asked for MY number, and if he could call me? Ya know, in case he had questions.

Yikes! Be still my heart.

Finally, Eeyore and friend left. I called to warn the Business Manager.

While Eeyore drove him home, this friend pee’d in his car! Yes, the man pee’d in his pants on the car seat.

And said friend merely stated: “Leave the windows open, it’ll dry,” and walked away.

Ya can’t make these up.

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