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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Post Hurricane Sandy

Sent from  cellphone so forgive late night typonese. power went out Monday @ 7pm. Tonite it went back on, 5 days in the dark, not even cellphoones worked, signals n networks down. We where the news across the country, but we knew so little, talk radio. tonite first time i had internet or email! but we r so blessed, out apt was so safe, people next town lost everything. i had to heat with water boiling on stovetop, but our water was safe to drink. my other boss lost her house! she just moved in and was planning the family holiday dinners. so tragic.  the ocean breached the dunes, the water had teeth. it ate the dunes, rushed under n over the boardwalk n raced up my street for 3 blocks!  it looker whitewater rafting. it came to 5 ft  of building n part of parking lot, over bottom stairs. so grateful the downstairs tenants we with us. it was pitch black, when my neighbor waded to move his truck, turned on headlights i was horrified n scared, the water was so deep. grace of God it didn't run thru our building. there r more stories, but will  post when computer n internet working. i hope others r well.


  1. I'm so glad that you were spared the worst of it. Compared to others, your experience was a minor inconvenience. Even so, I'm sure it was a nightmare of fear. We take so many things for granted and don't appreciate what we have until it's lost. On Thanksgiving Day, you'll be happy with a can of cold beans and a warm beer.

  2. Yes, but you lived through the Northridge Quake. The fury of Mother Nature is humbling.
