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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A Cop Pulled Me Over?!

It was 10:30 pm on a Monday night

Guess it was a slow night, summer tourist season has not started and the bar crowd is fairly thin on a Monday evening.

I had passed the officer sitting on the Manasquan Circle, and I wasn’t concerned, twasn’t speeding and had properly used all signals. Although I was contemplating about how much my life has changed, and reminiscing about my wild and woolly days driving home very late around this very circle from a night out, and laughing that now I am driving home from a Bible Ed class.

Can I get an Amen from all the reformed, older and wiser, people out there?

The next traffic light had just flashed yellow, and I thought about gunning it, but braked instead. Glad I did, that same officer was now glued to my bumper. Why?

When the light changed, the car next to me gunned it and flew off down the road. So when those famous flashing lights went on, I ASSUMED that it was for THAT car: NOT me!

Since I was driving home from a Bible Ed class, did I not earn a special Brownie Point? My halo was all polished up!

I pulled over, sorted out my documents, and assumed that my brake light was out. Both my Hyundais burn thru headlights and tail lights, and those tickets are just unfair, and pricey.

As I handed the officer my documents, I said, “I can’t imagine why you pulled me over.”

Of course, he merely replied something about telling me after he ran my license.

Drum Roll Please . . . And the reason I was pulled over. . .

The reflective coating on my license plate was cracked and peeling, making it hard for him to read. Maybe I should get new plates.

Why? This car is a few years old and has 138,000 miles. My prior Hyundai was 13 years old and had 222,000 miles: on 3 cylinders! The plates are from the year 2000, yep, they are old, but I am NOT buying new ones until I buy the next car: but I expect another 100,000 miles from this car: It could be a while.

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