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Friday, August 7, 2015

Pop Songs of Wisdom to Get You Through the Crazy Days

Sometimes we are just faced with crazy situations ya just can’t back out of easily, that ya just can’t win: Unhappy tenants; irrational co-workers; and things that just go wrong…like backing up to another car in the parking lot. It’s life. We’ve all been there. So sometimes I hum these tunes in my head, get a laugh, get through, move on. Hope you find some humor here too.

Paul Simon wrote “One Man’s Ceiling is Another Man’s Floor.” I’ve suffered with Music Bullies myself, and very loud and amorous neighbors. (Yeah, just get up and hide in the kitchen until they’re quiet.)
Here are the lyrics:

"There’s been some hard feelings here 
About some words that were said 
Been some hard feelings here 
And what is more 
It’s just apartment house rules 
So all you ‘partment house fools
 Remember: one man’s ceiling Is another man’s floor 
One man’s ceiling Is another man’s floor 

And there’s an alley In the back of my building 
Where some people congregate in shame" 

(and now that we have security cams on that alleyway, that has no longer happens. Yippee!)

"I'm Alright" written by Phil Vassar. 

This one popped into my head after some interminable drama made everyone miserable. These lyrics made my day sooo much easier!

"I'm alright and nobody worry 'bout me 
Why you got to gimme a fight, can't you just let it be? 
I'm alright don't nobody worry 'bout me 
You got to gimme a fight, why don't you just let me be? … 

Gotta catch you later, no, no, cannonball it right away 
Some Cinderella kid 
Get it up and get you a job"

(Last line is really good advice for people with way too much time on their hands to complain about every last little hangnail!)

Can’t leave out Billy Joel belting out “My Life”

"Got a call from an old friend 
We used to be real close 
Said he couldn't go on the American way 
Closed the shop, sold the house 
Bought a ticket to the West Coast 
Now he gives them a stand-up routine in L.A. 

I don't need you to worry for me cause I'm alright
I don't want you to tell me it's time to come home
I don't care what you say anymore, this is my life 
Go ahead with your own life and leave me alone 
I never said you had to offer me a second chance 
I never said I was a victim of circumstance
I still belong, don't get me wrong 
And you can speak you mind But not on my time"

"Dead Skunk" by Loudon Wainwright III

In my younger days, the singer at the old RE's Plum in Bogota, NJ would belt this song out and the crowd would sing the chorus. It's just a song to make you laugh! Enjoy it.

"Crossing the highway late last night
He shoulda looked left and he shoulda looked right
He didn't see the station wagon car
The skunk got squashed and there you are

You got your dead skunk in the middle of the road
Dead skunk in the middle of the road
Dead skunk in the middle of the road
Stinking to high heaven"

When life gets too stressful, just play this one LOUD!

And this song has gotten me, and so many others, through the toughest days.

“Amazing Grace” 

"Amazing grace! How sweet the sound 
That saved a wretch like me! 
I once was lost, but now am found; 
Was blind, but now I see. 
’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, 
And grace my fears relieved; 
How precious did that grace appear 
The hour I first believed. 
Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; 
’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
 And grace will lead me home. 
The Lord has promised good to me, 
His Word my hope secures; 
He will my Shield and Portion be, 
As long as life endures. 
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, 
And mortal life shall cease, 
I shall possess, within the veil, A life of joy and peace. 
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow, 
The sun forbear to shine; 
But God, who called me here below, Will be forever mine. 
When we’ve been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun, 
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise Than when we’d first begun"

No, I DON’T Want to Get High!?!

Can’t make this stuff up. Oh, and forgive the double-negative in the heading.

Let describe the scene: It is the dumpster enclosure, pictured above. Oversized with room for dumpster and cans of recyclables that are collected weekly.

I have discovered the remains of ‘picnic lunches’ eaten inside: Someone sat on the plastic milk crate and enjoyed a private meal of MacDonald’s take-out. They also left scattered on the ground ketchup packets, French fries and the bags the gourmet meal came in. Wow! The ambience they must have enjoyed.

And I suspect that sometimes people have hidden inside to escape from police.

But I digress:

A tenant called me, alerting me that there was a women sitting inside the dumpster enclosure. I flew down the stairs to investigate.

I passed one of our manly tenants (big guy) and said: “Please don’t move!”

In case I screamed, he would be a good backup.

I discovered behind the dumpster, in the alley between the buildings, three women sitting on the grass, shaded by the dumpster fence, a large transformer and an overgrown bush.

Not my first choice if I was looking for a shady nook to relax with my girlfriends: NEXT TO A DUMPSTER?! Were you guys raised by wolves?

Strange Lady, upon seeing me staring at them: “Oh, it was so hot on the beach, we thought we would cool off here.”

Me thinking: There’s a million billion gallons of nice cool salt water in that ocean, did you try that?

Strange Lady, reached out her pipe and asked: “Do you want a hit?”

It was a FRIGGING Hash Pipe.

Me: “NO! I don’t want to get high!” and stared at them.

At that, they calmly stood up and left.

WT heck?

So sorry I had not grab my cell phone on the way downstairs, local guys in blue could’ve used an easy bust and good laugh.

Big guy in parking was stunned, but had a good laugh.

Shared this story with everyone, including Facebook.

This is why I write this blog, we all need the laugh.