Just a little fun:
Can you read this? Supposedly only 1 in 4 people can do it. The less you concentrate the easier it is to do it.
Y0UR N3W P455W0RD G3N3R4T0R?
Courtesy of Wititudes.com.
This complex is located in a small town on the Jersey Shore, just doors up from the ocean; a million dollar view from my kitchen table! Life gets a bit hectic during the summer tourist season, quieter during the winter, but rarely dull. I encourage others to post, let’s have some fun here.
Just a little fun:
Can you read this? Supposedly only 1 in 4 people can do it. The less you concentrate the easier it is to do it.
Y0UR N3W P455W0RD G3N3R4T0R?
Courtesy of Wititudes.com.
Some evictions are just ugly and beyond description: The bathroom and hallway smelled like death, tenants who walked by the open door were appalled at the stench polluting the outside.
But if you need 2 rolls of these:
Plus over 3 dozen cleaning rags;
A gallon of Clorox Cleanup;
Plus a gallon of Odorban (a cleaner generally used after a flood or sewer backup), as the floors and walls had to be scrubbed down.
Although it looked like the fridge had been scrubbed out, but when I picked up the lower shelf, I literally broomed out all the packages of ketchup, sauce and b.s. he spitefully crammed under there.
He was a hoarder, did a bit of dumpster-diving, then dragged those nasty treasures home and dumped them still wet on the carpet in his bedroom. The workers had to use gloves and masks when they removed those carpets.
The fire extinguisher was bone dry?! When we saw the dozens of cigarette burns in the rugs in ALL the rooms and hallway, well, scary speculations ensued.
He demanded his full security back. No Kidding! He blamed his guests for those damages, so he was NOT responsible for them.
Cannot make this stuff up. So very sad. But the new tenant holds great promise.
As I often have written, some days my job feels more like a schoolyard Playground Monitor than a professional building manager. Gratefully most of the malcontents have moved on and we usually enjoy quiet days. And I have lived long enough to not fret over every one liking me, heck, in some cases, all I can say is, “Whew!”
A person I have nicknamed Sour Grapes have left quite a few vulgar and vicious comments, forcing me to monitor all comments—and this blog was supposed to be about humor and the good life at the Jersey Shore.
First read the post on “Difficult People,” then the one on the “Death of Common Sense.” Dwell upon those words of wisdom.
Next, use the Spellcheck feature in Word: “Frijit B*tch” is misspelled. BTW, it also will check your grammar and flag your over-use of !!!!!!! ????!!!! Although Spellcheck will not catch your mistakes of mixing genders, as NO ONE would ever mistake me for a guy: referring to me as “he” is a glaring error.
Please avail yourself of the many free, on-line writing courses and learn how to effectively express yourself without resorting to the over-use of expletives, plus such courses should build up your deplorably limited vocabulary.
I did previously offer free editing services for your many diatribes.
Anger Management counseling is strongly advised.
You should take the advice of the Apostle Paul, a man born into great wealth, who had attained several elite political and religious positions, then forsook it all to itinerate as a preacher and tent maker. He wrote, “I have experienced times of need and times of abundance. In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of contentment, whether I go satisfied or hungry, have plenty or nothing.” (Philippians 4:12 NET) Hint: He wrote a lot of the New Testament, ya know, the Bible.
P.S.: Either one is part of the problem, or part of the solution, please feel free to pack up your toxic psyche and move on down the road. I will light a candle and say a Novena for your next set of neighbors.
To Everyone Else: Thank you for letting me vent. I promise you, I have lots of fun stories left to tell, they will be posted very soon!