So we spotted a small moving van pulling into our lot: Not a surprise, we knew that a tenant would be moving out any day. What was odd, the truck was sorta catty-cornered, blocking the dumpster and with its back-end hanging over the sidewalk. The tailgate wasn’t aimed towards our building, but the one next door: Those tenants use our parking lot and fill our dumpster, then self-righteously defend their rights to do so.
So I walked out onto the deck to see if it is one of our tenants.
Me (Thinking the van was for a tenant.): “There is room for you to pull into the lot.”
Dude: “No it’s fine here, we’re just unloading.”
Me: “Where?”
Dude, points to the building next door and states: “We just have to carry a few things over there.”
Me: “You are using my lot and you are moving next door?”
Dude: “Yeah.”
Me: “This parking lot is for our tenants. They need to be able to pull their cars into the lot.”
Dude: “There’s room.”
Me (Really, because only a motorcycle will squeeze between your van and the back end of MY car!): “No. You need to park the van on the street. Double-park. It shouldn’t be a problem if it is only a few minutes.”
Yes, that was sarcasm. If he doesn't care about blocking our lot, should I care about him getting a ticket for being double-parked?
Dude is now relaying this conversation to his buddy. I can hear their annoyance.
I know, I am being unreasonable; after all, he will only be a FEW minutes.
Aarrgh! They are moving into another building and think that blocking our parking lot is acceptable?!
I came back inside and immediately the phone rings: It is Mr. I'm-In-Charge. Of course, he saw it all, wants to know what it was all about, and needs to discuss it. He is ready to take charge, as only he can handle every situation.
Sorry to tell ya, I already did. All by myself!
Yeah, I know, I’m just a girl. Sigh.